"How blessed is he who considers the helpless..." Psalm 41:1

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

dOnaTiOnS dOnaTiOnS dOnaTiOnS

donations for Uganda: (needed by April 27)

1. toothbrushes and paste
2. underwear (all sizes... kids)
3. pencils and plastic sharpeners
4. $$$, there is a lot of famine in N Uganda and we are planning to buy food for the Child Headed Households that we visit

donations for Haiti: (needed by May 17)

1. formula
2. cereal
3. diapers
4. baby/kid stuff REGISTRY
5. $$$, this is the best for them to get what they need, when they need it

i've had a requests for photos of kids getting the items i bring and i'm more than happy to oblige =)


Brandi said...


I have a girl who lives near you and has collected a bunch of stuff! Can you take more? Her name is Hannah and her phone number is 913.748.6197


AT said...
